Peaceful Living


TM – Transcendental Mediation – creates peace                                                                                                

 The TM technique develops a healthy, creative, peaceful individual – the basic unit of a healthy, creative, peaceful community, nation and world. From the quantum level – here is an effective means to relieve the acute societal tensions that fuel crime, violence and conflict.
Protecting the Earth
Global Girlfriend
The Environmental Science community has started to view women–especially women in developing counties–as the true guardians of our natural resources. Environmentalists and conservation efforts worldwide are turning to women in developing countries to preserve and protect our environment and our precious biodiversity. It only makes sense. The 900 million women who make up 70% of the world’s poorest citizens are the ones who are hit hardest by the deterioration and loss of natural resources–resources which are the foundation of their communities’ livelihoods. In the end, however, we are all impacted by global climate change that comes from not protecting our environment locally.

So how can you join your sisters worldwide in protecting the Earth? Here are three simple suggestions on how to start:

  • Support women in poverty through fair trade products made from eco-friendly materials like recycled plastic or glass, sustainable grasses and organic materials. This provides women with an income and, at the same time, a way to work towards solving local environmental problems.
  • Learn more. For easy tips and daily changes, pick up a copy of Sophia Uliano’s fabulous guide book, Gorgeously Green. Or get to the heart of women and the environment by visiting the IUCN website and read anything by amazing advocate Lorena Aguilar, Senior Gender Advisor for The World Conservation Union.
  • Support a charity working on conservation. Our Gifts That Give More™ offer opportunities to help different organizations invested in saving the environment and reducing poverty.
